It all Comes Full Circle

On May 24th, 2018 the British gaming commentator TotalBiscuit at the age of 33 died from cancer that plagued him for years. While for most in the gaming community this was a time for mourning many people celebrated his death. He was involved in the GamerGate controversy which oversaw the harassment of a couple of women in the gaming industry. The women wanted to promote diversity in the gaming scene but because of their harsh attitudes and actions, male gamers attack them threatening different means of assault. While TotalBiscuit's involvement was scrutinized it was overlooked by many because of his untimely passing. Those affected by the long finished GamerGate drama instead of offering words of support condemned anyone who mourning TotalBiscuit's death and some talking about how happy they were that he passed. Seeing as this is the last blog post I am going to, for the first time ever, talk about my opinion on the matter. I did not watch TotalBiscuit's youtube videos and knew that his personality, at least online, wasn't the nicest. I have seen clips of one of the proponents of GamerGate, Anita Sarkeesian, and from what I understand she is a nasty hypocritical person. Of course, I could that TotalBiscuit's personality was also nasty from what little I've seen from him. Now as this blog concludes I'd like to thank all my patient readers who have read through all of my posts even though I am by no means a good writer. This was a fun experiment and I'm glad I could end it coming full circle. thank you and goodbye.


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