Gaming Violence and Stereotypes in the White House

As the tragedy of Parkland, Florida is still ever present in our minds the president continues he tirade against gaming. The lack of diverse thinking in the White House could lead to negative ramifications for gamers in the United States. The thought process that video games cause violence is confusing when factoring in the amount of Americans who play games. Polygon states that roughly 42% of Americans play video games, and due to the fact that most games are violent in some manner the number of school shootings, or even shooting, in general, are disproportionate around the US. With these facts in mind, we really need to consider how the White House, with their bare minimum knowledge of video games, can affect millions of people just because of a misconception based on previous stereotypes. We need more diverse thinking when it comes to this side of entertainment and without this needed diversity we can surely find negative consequences looming around the corner.



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