Diversity in Far Cry 5

 A new addition to the Far Cry series, Far Cry 5, which released on March 27, 2018, takes place, for the first time, in America. When this title was announced back in 2017 it was met with backlash because far-right American's took it as an attack against them because the main antagonist was a religious cult leader in a southern state. The details of the antagonist also beg the question, will they bring race into play. The Far Cry series mainly took place in other countries, usually where law and order weren't the most important things. Now that we see a game take place in America, we will have to see how the game deals with the lack of law and order and to see if lingering racism in America affects the characters in the game. Unlike most other Far Cry games which take place in foreign parts of the world this game will only have Americans so the cast of NPCs, non-player characters, will have to vary in race and ethnicity if they want to keep up the varied race and diversity that the games usually hold to Americans.


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